Ebony FMC: Asking Your Boss for a Reference + Walk-in Job Inquiries + Pictures on Resumes
Welcome to another segment of Ebony, Fix My Career!!!
In today's episode, I answer questions about if you should and how to ask your boss for a reference, if walk-in job inquiries are okay when on the job hunt and should you put on picture on your resume.
The first question comes from Sabrina who asks, “If I plan on leaving my current job, and need them as a reference, how do I ask my boss without making it obvious I am looking for better job opportunities?”
Joy asked, “Do you recommend walk-ins, I just moved to a new town and I’ve been applying for jobs online, but I’ve been thinking about going to a couple of locations in person?”
The last question comes from Aieshia, “Should I put a picture on my resume? What about LinkedIn? Isn’t LinkedIn an online version of your resume?”
Email your questions to info@soulstruckrep.com or send via DM on Facebook or Instagram at Soulstruck.Republic!
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